The HDAC6 gene you inquire is evaluated as high risk
in 0%
cell line. Cell line is not selected, unable to assess the accurate
risk level, for reference only.
Gene lethality scoreData are derived from the results of genome-wide CRISPR library screening
Lethality score of HDAC6 in different cells
All cells
Non-essential gene: 0
Boundary score: 0.5
Essestial gene: 1
The higher the score, the higher the dependence of gene on the
cell line. If the score is >0.5, it is defined that there is a lethality
risk after gene knockout.
The data comes from the Red Cotton Knockout Project ▪ KO cell line bank project
Successfully implemented
We have successfully knocked out this gene in cells.
Likely to fail
We have made attempts to knock out this gene, but the projects
either not that successful or failed, indicating that this gene knockout
is risky.
No Record
We haven’t applied knockout on this gene.
This result refers to two data, gene lethality score and project implementation risk. Due to
the uncertainty of scientific experiments, different cell sources and different operations
may lead to different results, so the above assessment is for reference only.